HUB F & R Under Cut for Multispeed
Rear axle 3/8"x7" with spacer
Front axle 3/8"x5'.1/2",
Holes/Finish to order
HUB Parallax Type Rear with spacer 3/8" x 7"
Front 3/8" x 5'.1/2",
HUB CART (Elephant) 12G x 36 Holes
Axle size 1/2" x 6'.1/2",
HUB H.D. 64 holes
Axle size 3/8"x7",
HUB casting H.D. with ball bearing
ALLOY HUB PARALLAX F & R 36/36 Hole Multispeed
Axle 3/8"x5.1/2", 3/8"x7",
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